Pacific Alliance for Prevention and Recovery (PAPR)

On the West Coast, and particularly San Francisco, we are facing an unprecedented homelessness and drug crisis. Now more than ever we must promote recovery solutions.

PAPR is doing this by:

  1. Advocating for common sense drug policy reforms that treat the root causes of addiction and substance use.
  2. Creating multiple pathways for recovery.
  3. Educating the public and lawmakers on the importance of prevention and recovery, as well as the failures of extreme drug policy.
  4. Exploring new and innovative pathways to promote transformational change when it comes to substance use in California and beyond.

Who We Are

We are a 501c3 San Francisco/Bay Area-based coalition of concerned citizens, many of whom have lived experience with homelessness and addiction, who advocate for recovery and effective drug policy throughout the Western United States. We are a proud division of the Foundation for Drug Policy Solutions.

About Tom Wolf

Tom Wolf is a formerly homeless recovering Heroin and Fentanyl addict from San Francisco. In 2018, Tom spent 6 months homeless on the streets of the Tenderloin neighborhood struggling with addiction. He was arrested 6 times for holding drugs for street-level drug dealers and other offenses and eventually went to jail for 3 months before going to a 6-month inpatient treatment program where he found recovery. Now, 5 years clean and sober, Tom is a Recovery Advocate calling for changes to the radical approach drug policy has taken. He has now recently founded The Pacific Alliance For Prevention And Recovery. A 501c3 based in the San Francisco Bay Area with a goal of creating a response to the ongoing overdose crisis that is rooted in recovery, prevention and education. PAPR has joined forces with FDPS to lead West Coast Initiatives to change the way we look at the ongoing drug crisis by providing evidence based solutions that begin with expanding drug treatment, reasonable approaches to interdiction of illicit drugs and recovery education. 

For further information please contact Tom Wolf at